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The Biletarium project participated in the Leisure 2020 tourism forum and exhibition in Moscow

The Biletarium project participated in the Leisure 2020 tourism forum and exhibition in Moscow

The Biletarium project team is an experienced participant in Russian and international exhibitions. The company's representatives act as experts and speakers at the largest industry forums, actively participate in tourism events, and receive awards in competitions and festivals.

The tourism forum and exhibition "Leisure Leisure 2020" was the first large offline event for professionals and experts in the tourism industry in the post-quarantine period, and also the first platform where the Biletarium project was presented to a wide audience. The exhibition was held September 8-10 on the territory of Skolkovo Innovation Center and gathered the most active representatives of the industry.

Service Development Director Anicia Evdokimova and Marketing Director Alena Kalacheva held more than a hundred talks at their own booth, and met with key partners and colleagues in the business program.

Regional Tourism Committees confirmed the importance and relevance of the project and expressed their willingness to assist the project by informing the tourism industry about the availability of such a service and involving museums in the use of Biletarium platform for ticket sales and promotion of their own services. The museums represented at the exhibition confirmed their interest in using the marketplace as a way to attract the flow of foreign tourists and promote themselves on the Russian and international markets. Negotiations were also held with Russian tour operators, who are waiting for the official launch of the project to buy group tickets to Russian museums for their tourists.

During the forum the Tourism Committee of Moscow has presented an innovative educational and tourist project "City of discoveries" for young people aged 18 - 35 years. Alena Kalacheva, marketing and PR director of the young Biletarium platform, presented the project to a large audience of representatives from leading youth projects in the regions, including Kuzbass, the Republic of Tatarstan, the Republic of Udmurtia, the Primorsky region, the Sakhalin region, and others.

The Biletarium platform has attracted the interest of various associations, associations and media. Biletarium service development director Anicia Evdokimova gave an interview to the editor of Vesti Turizm:

"We call ourselves 'start-ups' in tourism, despite our great experience, because this is the first time we present, our IT product. There are no analogues to date, no one has yet swung on the idea of selling tickets specifically to museums and throughout the Russian Federation. We have set ourselves very ambitious plans. There are local solutions that sell online tickets to a certain number of already automated, cutting-edge museums in Moscow, there are such solutions with some museums in St. Petersburg, but nobody has yet gone nationwide and created a real marketplace for museums in Russia.

Now we are focused on developing the most convenient application for domestic and foreign users. Whereas before the quarantine we had planned to focus exclusively on the foreign consumer, now we have turned our attention to the Russian tourist, adapting our service for him too. Of course, first and foremost, the first-entry countries (Asian tourists, Indian markets, European customers after the introduction of the electronic visa) will be the users of our platform. We are claiming convenience for the individual tourist, who on our platform will find an opportunity to buy a ticket to any museum in Russia.

We are just launching now - we are announcing our product before the official launch in autumn 2020. We now have more than 50 integrated museums in Moscow and St. Petersburg, which can technologically give us their content online, but we expect that by the end of the year we will connect three to six key sites in all regions of the Russian Federation.

We have also worked out a scheme of working with small regional museums. If a museum does not have an information system, we can send information about tickets sold to them by e-mail so that they can print it out and verify it. This is our uniqueness: we've gone from the smallest museum in a small country town, where at the entrance will sit a curator and cross out the tourists who passed with a pen, to the technological platforms, where our tourist attaches a QR code to the turnstile and seamlessly goes to the museum, skipping the line to the cashier.

There are analogues of our project on the world market. We have negotiated with them and are ready to give them our content for museums in Russia and the CIS. But there are no such platforms on the territory of Russia and the CIS. We are an absolutely Russian development, created at our own expense. We are a Russian product that has not yet existed.

There is still a mass of online and offline events ahead, in which it is planned that Biletarium representatives will take an active part. Autumn 2020 will be filled with regional tourism projects that will encourage museums to actively connect to the platform. A large number of foreign partners are also looking forward to a personal meeting and presentation as soon as the restrictions are lifted.

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