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An exhibition of eco-artist Aleksandr Cheglakov was held at the Jewish Religious and Cultural Center "Zhukovka

An exhibition of eco-artist Aleksandr Cheglakov was held at the Jewish Religious and Cultural Center "Zhukovka

The exhibition "Breath of Nature" by artist Alexander Cheglakov, timed to the holiday Tu bi-Shvat (translated from Hebrew as New Year of Trees), was held in February 2020 at the Jewish Religious and Cultural Center "Zhukovka" at the invitation of the head of the Jewish communities Alexander Beard.

"Trees also have their own New Year - a rebirth to new life. And sometimes this rebirth happens in such an unusual way: from withered needless snags to become a work of art, decorating the interior and giving a festive mood and joyful emotions", - explained the organizers of the exhibition.

At the exhibition there were present unique design candlesticks, menorahs, and the flagship of the exhibition was a sculptural composition "Tablets", made from fallen centuries-old fir trees, symbolizing the image of Mount Sinai (according to the Bible, on this mountain God appeared to Moses and gave the Ten Commandments) and "Moses with the tablets".

"I like to give a "second life" to a tree that deserves to be seen by man as the beginning of a "new life" in a tree that has already lost its vitality. In a new guise for man, in a completely different quality of art objects and interior decor," explained Cheglakov, the artist.

About Center "Zhukovka

The Center "Zhukovka" is one of the largest projects of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia. It is a modern multifunctional cultural center, which offers a diverse program: Jewish religious festivals, concerts of jazz, contemporary and classical music, theater programs for adults and children, interesting lecture programs on both religious and general educational topics.

At the same time the center houses a synagogue with a capacity for two hundred and fifty people, a mikvah, a dining hall for 700 people, a milk café, a children's center, a library, guest rooms and a congregation house.

About the artist

Alexander Cheglakov is an artist who revives perennial fallen trees into unique works - both large and small interior compositions. Their subject depends on the size of the chosen part of the tree, which can be more than two hundred years old.

The main material for the author is dry, ecologically pure, non-living wood, which has been exposed to the environment for many years. Most often it is an intricately bent century-old oak, as well as spruce and birch.

History of the origin of creativity

Alexander Cheglakov, a dentist by profession, found his hobby and later recognition in unusual creativity. Several years ago, Alexander created an unusually shaped candlestick from dry hollow spruce, inspired by the natural beauty and texture of the wood. His first creative work eventually grew into a serious hobby and occupies an important place in the life of the artist.

Alexander Cheglakov looks for the trees in the woods on his own, sometimes literally digging his finds out from under a layer of snow, ice, moss, or from under the softened and so far unremarkable surface of the tree.

While searching for a suitable material, the artist also encounters various animals in the woods (hares, wild boars, roe deer and even deer) which often prompt and inspire Alexander Cheglakov to create new sculptural compositions. The main task of the artist, according to Alexander, is to find and show the inimitable beauty created by nature itself.

The artist's work does not harm nature, all his works are a kind of manifesto for the protection of living trees, and the special energy brings warmth and comfort to the house.

Sculptural compositions

The main features of the finished artwork depend on the found tree: it can be an unusual shape and protruding annual rings or a bizarre ornament of wood, which was left by bark beetles, as well as the color obtained after the application of special waxes.

In his compositions, depending on the final idea, the master adds fragments of ancient stained glass brought from Italy, pieces of Sicilian ceramics polished by the sea, intricate branches of Californian coral, or bronze animal figures.

Each work of Alexander Cheglakov is unique and inimitable. The whimsical shapes of the sawn woods evoke wonderful emotions and aesthetic pleasure.

Especially sophisticated connoisseurs of art see in the sculptures of the artist bright images of frozen time, through which the eternal symbols of the fragility of life emerge. It is no coincidence that the artist's works decorate the interiors of such famous artists as Denis Matsuev, Vladimir Spivakov, Gennady Hazanov, Pavel Chukhrai, Vladimir Mashkov, Pavel Lungin, and other well-known personalities. There are also several pieces of the artist in private American collections in California and Miami.

Some of the master's artwork is included in the catalog of the Creative Union of Russian Artists (TskhR).

In addition, Alexander Cheglakov is a member of the jury of the "Family-Soul of Russia" art photo project competition.

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