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Nine innovative companies have become residents of technopolis "Moscow" since the beginning of the year

Nine innovative companies have become residents of technopolis "Moscow" since the beginning of the year

Photo: Moscow Government Press Service

Since the beginning of 2022, nine innovative companies have become residents of the Technopolis Moscow Special Economic Zone (SEZ), which invest over 9.5 billion rubles in the development of production facilities. This was told by the vice-mayor of the capital Vladimir Efimov.

According to the official, among the new residents are manufacturers of medical devices and equipment, medicines, radio-electronic products, electrical engineering and microelectronics, as well as automated monitoring and control systems for telecommunications networks.

The Moscow government expects that the implementation of new innovative projects will create almost 1 thousand new jobs in the city.

A company from the medical equipment and biopharma sector plans to invest more than the rest - more than 5 billion rubles. Another 2.7 billion rubles will be invested by the developer of information and communication technologies.

Residents of the SEZ are exempt from paying land, property and transport taxes for 10 years, and the income tax rate for them has been reduced to two percent.

Read more interesting news in our Telegram channelAuthor: Alexander Baigazin

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